So! A blog?! Give it a go, see if i can remember to update it!
Dinner is cooking, boys are playing lego star wars on the xbox, and the dog is sleeping! As tempting as it is to start the washing up and sort the washing, its much better to sit here at the computer and distract myself for just one more minute.
My eldest told me off today as i forgot that football started after school. That's happening a lot recently, either my son is too switched on to the events around him now, or i'm getting worse at this organisation malarkey! To be honest, never been good at that! As much as i try to pretend, organisation of my house doesn't go very well! I could blame it on my dyspraxia, and i'm sure it has a lot to do with it, but i also can't be arsed!
This week i have been to the gym 3 times and tried really well on my diet. I have struggled with my weight since having my youngest and never been in the right frame of mind. For the moment, i've got the right head space (although it's definatly not getting the housework done)
It's bloody hard work, especially trying to cook for 4 people, on a budget, and cutting down on my portions. I'm proud of myself, but i now it's only the beginning. I want to try, but i struggle to believe in myself a lot of the time! Confidence has always been a issue, but it's been worse over the last few years. Especially in groups of people, even if i've known them for years. I always get annoyed with myself for being cast as the quiet one, which i am most of the time, but other times i envy the confidence people have in themselves. Hopefully, confidence will come over time!
Had the day with my mum today, which was lovely. We went shopping to spend lots of money we didn't have.. on a tumble drier! How glamourous! Turns out there was none in stock, but in any case it was nice for mummy time!
Dinners burning, and the boys are now arguing about who gets to be R2-D2! Time to go!
Till this time next year perhaps?!
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